Full Information about the Py class and its methods.

The Class

from flippy.Flip import Py

Py( Source, Syntax )

Py() class contains Source and Syntax argument and both of them are needed before calling other methods, format Py(Source, Syntax).

Arguments Information:

  • Source (string) Accept long,short strings
    • Must be a String with a custom word/syntax
  • Syntax (dictionary) Accept only strings
    • Must be a Dictionary with a pair of "word":"original", or a Custom syntax/word with the original which is accepted by Python.

The Methods



a function that calls Parse (which parse your Source with Syntax), Planning to make it run with Py() on Init soon, but for now just use it before any other method.



a function for generating Source back to Python through your Source and Custom Syntax.

  • Name (Defaults to "Generate" or "Generate.py) argument for setting a name of the output file, If Argument is none supplied Generate.py will be use, example: GenerateSource(Name="hello")



Compile your source (Python) using Cython, This helps of you want a performance boost in your app, will generate a file (.pyd,.so) depend on which operating system you are using

  • Warning! This function is useless if you doesnt have a Cython Installled.



Make sure to call this function as the last call, Will run your Parsed source using exec and compile()

