Needed Variables

These variables are needed by flippy for informations as well as your Syntax's users, if ever you'd like to share it. :)

  • Syntax
    • Bool, Flippy use this as Pattern (Syntax If True, Else False) Syntax = True
  • Author
    • String, Author = 'Your Name' your name as a credit.
  • Name
    • String, Name = 'Syntax Name' your syntax's name.
  • Information (optional)

    • Long String, Information = 'The syntax information etc.' your syntax information.
  • Keywords

    • Dictionary, e.g 'Key' : 'Value', Key (string) and can be anything you like, Value same As key but this one is the word,syntax,reserved words etc. you would like to replace with your Key Value.

Create the Syntax

Follow the informations above and Save the file into
`/Flippy/Syntax/` with the name you prefer as Python (.py) extension, e.g ``

Alternative Method

If you want to write the syntax file into /Flippy/Syntax/ through your Source,

Import Flippy.Flip.SyntaxWrite method, and call

SyntaxWrite(Source=MySource, "NameOutputFile")


from flippy.Flip import SyntaxWrite

stringSource = """

Syntax = True
Author = "kram"
Name = "Crazy Hex Syntax!"
Information = "It's Crazy!"
Keywords = {

"77686174616c6f6e676966 " : "if",
"77686174616c6f6e677072696e74" : "print",
"77686174616c6f6e673d" : "="



SyntaxWrite(stringSource, "CrazySyntax")

Run and the file will be in flippy/Syntax/ and ready to use! (if you want to.)

Try your Syntax

Example to use your newly created syntax:

from flippy.Flip import Py
source = "77686174616c6f6e677072696e74 'Stupid Syntax'"

haha = Py(source,"CrazySyntax")

Output: Stupid Syntax which is true.

Example of Syntax Template (Syntax template) Contains the variables mentioned above.

Author = "M. Pequeras"

Syntax = True

Name = "Tagalog/Filipino Language (Not literal.)"

Information = """
Keywords below are translated into Tagalog language (Not Literal)

Keywords = {

    "at" : "and"
    , "burahin" : "del"
    , "iangkat" : "import"
    , "ipangalan ay" : "as"
    , "ayaw eh" : "raise"
    , "isaysay" : "assert"
    , "i hinto" : "break"
    , "igrupo sa" : "class"
    , "tuloy lang" : "continue"
    , "gawin ang" : "def"
    , "subukan" : "try"
    , "kung ayaw" : "except"
    , "sa wakas" : "finally"
    , "ay totoo" : "is"
    , "ibalik" : "return"
    , "sa mga" : "for"
    , "sa" : "in"
    , "patakbuhin" : "exec"
    , "galing sa" : "from"
    , "ipakita ang" : "print"
    , "hindi" : "not"
    , "habang" : "while"
    , "hanggat" : "with"
    , "o kaya" : "or"
    , "pang lahatan" : "global"
    , "lambda" : "lambda"
    , "palagpasin" : "pass"
    , "hinto at" : "yield"
    , "kung" : "if"
    , "kung sakaling" : "elif"
    , "kung wala" : "else"
    , "ay" : "="
    , "parehas" : "=="
    , "mas malaki sa" : ">"
    , "mas maliit sa" : "<"
    , "hindi parehas" : "!="
    , "malaki at parehas" : ">="
    , "maliit at parehas" : "=<"
    , "totoo" : "True"
    , "wala" : "None"
    , "hindi totoo" : "False"
